Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Visits Chongqing Churches

A delegation from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) took a group picture with officials, Christian leaders, and believers during a visit to Chongqing on May 13-15, 2024.
A delegation from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) took a group picture with officials, Christian leaders, and believers during a visit to Chongqing on May 13-15, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangMay 22nd, 2024

Rev. Chung Kin-kai, chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU), visited Chongqing churches.

During the visit from May 13 to 15, Rev. Xu Lunsheng, chairman of Chongqing TSPM, introduced the rough situation of the municipal CC&TSPM and the exploration of the sinicization of Christianity in recent years, as well as the ongoing strict governance of churches within the city, said CCC&TSPM. The delegation presented their key work in recent years.

Additionally, the 13-member delegation visited the Agape Church in Yuzhong District and the Gospel Church in Jiangbei District, affirming their innovative models of pastoral ministry, practices of sinicizing Christianity, and standardized church management. They then visited the local exhibition hall featuring the sinicization of Christianity and the municipal Christian training center, indicating that they gained a basic understanding of the development stages of Christianity in Chongqing and expressed willingness to support theological education and training projects, the sinicization of Christianity research room, and library construction.

Both parties also held discussions on varied topics of mutual concern, hoping to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in pastoral ministry, sinicization of Christianity, and social services in the future.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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