Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Visits Shanghai Megachurch

A delegation of 26 pastors and staff members from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) visited the Pu’an Church in Putuo District, Shanghai City, on February 20, 2024.
A delegation of 26 pastors and staff members from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) visited the Pu’an Church in Putuo District, Shanghai City, on February 20, 2024. (photo: Shanghai Municipal CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangFebruary 27th, 2024

A delegation of 26 pastors and staff members from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) visited a church in Shanghai for a retreat camp, including the Chairman, Rev. Chung Kin Kai, and General Secretary, Rev. Luk Hang Chuen.

Rev. Ning Guomin, director of Putuo District Christian Council, welcomed the staff of HKCCCU for their second visit to Shanghai after a year on February 20, said Shanghai CC&TSPM. He recalled the scene of their visit to the HKCCCU in November last year as part of the Shanghai CC&TSPM's visiting delegation. He said that the visit of the delegation from the HKCCCU was a move to strengthen church exchanges in the two regions. Rev. Ning also shared the recent development of ministry and the achievements of the sinicization of Christianity in Putuo District.

Rev. Chung Kin Kai and other visitors were excited and grateful for the development of the ministry in Putuo CC&TSPM. Ning led guests on a tour of the newly renovated Pu’an Church.

An American construction worker founded Pu'an Church, formerly known as Full Gospel Church, in the 1930s in Dayang Bridge, Zhabei District. After the founder returned to the United States in the 1950s, Chinese pastors oversaw the church. In 1958, joint worship was implemented, and the church was preserved, incorporating the Holy Spirit Church and another two churches. In 1990, out of more than 3,000 believers in the entire district, more than 2,000 attended services conducted in the church. Until July 21, 2004, a modern church with an area of about 2,000 square meters (0.494 acres) was built, symbolizing Noah's Ark.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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