Shanghai Church Leaders Visit Hong Kong, Macao

Rev. Xu Yulan (right in the middle), chairman of Shanghai TSPM, led a delegation to visit the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) in Hong Kong during November 6 to 11, 2023.
Rev. Xu Yulan (right in the middle), chairman of Shanghai TSPM, led a delegation to visit the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) in Hong Kong during November 6 to 11, 2023. (photo: Shanghai CC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui November 17th, 2023

Rev. Xu Yulan, chairman of Shanghai TSPM, led a delegation to visit churches and Christian communities in Hong Kong S.A.R. and Macao S.A.R.

At the invitation of the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU) and the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (HKSKH) Missionary Area of Macau, the leaders of registered churches in Shanghai visited Hong Kong and Macao from November 6 to 11, according to Shanghai CC&TSPM.

The delegation met with pastors and clergymen from HKCCCU, the Province of HKSKH, Christian Communications Ltd., and the HKSKH Missionary Area of Macau, paying their respects to Rev. Canon Peter Douglas Koon, a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. The leaders of the churches in both regions proposed to continue to strengthen the friendly exchanges between the churches and maintain communication on the sinicization of Christianity.

- Translated by Cassie Li

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