Guangdong Church Holds Youth Revival Meeting

Believers and pastoral staff took a group picture after attending the first youth revival meeting held in Huizhou, Guangdong, on August 12, 2023.
Believers and pastoral staff took a group picture after attending the first youth revival meeting held in Huizhou, Guangdong, on August 12, 2023. (photo: Huizhou TSPM)
By Mark Cui August 16th, 2023

The first youth revival meeting of Huizhou CC&TSPM was held in Huizhou, Guangdong.

The Huizhou CC&TSPM held its first youth revival meeting in the municipal Enhui church, with more than 370 believers aged 18–35 from parishes across the city as well as pastoral staff attending on August 12, according to the Huizhou TSPM.

The Youth Praise Team from Enhui Church, Chenjiang Church, Mazhuang Church, Maidi Church, and Danshui Church led the praise and worship, and Pastor Cui Erli, Preacher Yan Dongdong, and Preacher Wang Shiqiang shared sermons on the topics of “You Are the Apple of God’s Eyes”, “Abundant Life”, and “Looking Up to Jesus,” respectively. The pastor guided the group to reaffirm God’s love and protection, presence and blessing, salvation, and hope of eternal life for those who fear Him.

- Translated by Cassie Li 

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