Seminar on Three-Self From the View of 'Wheat Theology' Held in Zhengzhou

Mature wheat
Mature wheat
By Serena TseSeptember 19th, 2024

Themed symposium “Three-Self from the Perspective of Wheat Theology” was held in Henan Province, marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) of Protestants in China.

On September 10, the sinicization of Christianity team of Zhengzhou Municipal CC&TSPM hosted its first symposium, aiming to explore the path toward the sinicization of Christianity within the cultural context of the Central Plains. It sought to deepen the "Three-Self" spirit, examine the connotation of wheat culture, and provide theoretical guidance for the future development of churches in Zhengzhou.

The discussion features topic presentations, group discussions, and team summaries, under the theme of "Inheritance and Innovation." The event consisted of four sections: interpretation of Bible verses, inheritance and innovations in wheat plantations, the Three-Self movement, and the modern churches.

During this seminar, attendees explored the theme of "inheritance and innovation," engaging in discussions covering sacred music service, the collection and exhibition of achievements related to the sinicization of Christianity, liturgy, and the printing and distribution of bibles. In addition to these topics, the Zhengzhou CC&TSPM’s sinicization of Christianity team will host a series of symposiums to promote the sinicization of Christianity.

Wheat, originally a foreign species, has gradually integrated into the Central Plains of China and the lives of Chinese people. Zhengzhou Municipal CC&TSPM said that as a foreign religion, Christianity should also take root as the wheat, going deep in the soil of the Central Plains and integrating into Chinese civilization. The history of wheat introduction and cultivation, farming culture, and agricultural technology development in China inspire Zhengzhou's "Wheat Theology."

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