55 Pastoral Backbones Trained in Shaanxi

Rev. Wang Hong, president of Shaanxi Bible School, gave a welcome speech introducing the general situation of the school on June 26, 2023.
Rev. Wang Hong, president of Shaanxi Bible School, gave a welcome speech introducing the general situation of the school on June 26, 2023. (photo: Shaanxi CC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui July 10th, 2023

The entrance examination for the third phase of the Shaanxi Pastoral Quality Improvement Training Course was conducted at the Shaanxi Bible School.

From June 27 to 29, a total of 55 candidates from cities and counties in the the province participated in the exam, according to Shaanxi CC&TSPM.

Upon their arrival on the 27th, the candidates underwent interviews with three pastors. On the 28th, the written test took place, and on the following day, Reverend Wang Hong, the school's president, presided over the marking work.

On the eve of the exam, the school organized a meeting for candidates, during which Rev. Wang introduced the significance of this training course and provided an overview of the school.

- Translated by Monica Zhang

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