Northeast China Pastoral Staff to Be Trained in Jilin

The opening ceremony of a training session for northeast China pastoral staff was hosted in Changchun, Jilin, on June 27, 2023.
The opening ceremony of a training session for northeast China pastoral staff was hosted in Changchun, Jilin, on June 27, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui June 30th, 2023

A training session aimed at strengthening the backbone of pastoral staff in Northeastern China has commenced, bringing together over 100 participants from Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning provinces.

The opening ceremony, held in Changchun, Jilin, on June 27th, marked the beginning of this important training initiative, as reported by CCC&RSPM.

Prior to the ceremony, Reverend Liu Xinggang, vice president of Jilin Bible School, delivered a sermon titled “Good and Faithful Servant,” based on Matthew 25:19–28.

Rev. Ren Dazhong, chairman of Jilin TSPM and president of the Christian Council, introduced the recent accomplishments of Jilin CC&TSPM. She expressed her aspirations for the participants to learn from the success stories of churches in other provinces through this training session.

After the opening ceremony, Rev. Shan Weixiang pointed out that this training program was the last one following five previous sessions for areas of East, Southwest, Northwest, Central South, and North China. Notably, all the participants in this particular program were young and middle-aged pastoral leaders. He stated that through studying and exchanging ideas, the program would be beneficial for local churches to promote the sinicization of Christianity in both theory and practice and to operate churches following three-self principles of self-preaching, self-governing, and self-supporting.

The training session, spanning four days, will provide courses on topics such as “Actively Promoting the Sinicization of Christianity”, “Adhering to the Truth and Resisting Heresies”, “Church Regulations” and “Church Management”, all of which would be taught by staff members of CCC&TSPM.

- Translated by Stephen Huang

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