Hebei CC&TSPM Launches Training Course for Young, Middle-Aged Pastoral Staff

Nearly 50 pastoral staff from Hebei Province attended the opening ceremony of a training course on the morning of July 27, 2021.
Nearly 50 pastoral staff from Hebei Province attended the opening ceremony of a training course on the morning of July 27, 2021. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui August 17th, 2021

The Hebei Provincial CC&TSPM held a training course for young and middle-aged pastoral staff in Shijiazhuang, China's northeastern Hebei Province, with 50 pastors from across the province attending.

Rev. Jin Yunpeng, chairman of Hebei TSPM, delivered a speech on July 27 in the opening ceremony, which was presided over by Rev. Cheng Baoshan, deputy president and general-secretary of Hebei CC (Christian Council&Three-Self Patriotic Movement), according to CCC&TSPM. 

Rev. Wang Mengkun, general-secretary of Shangdong CC and dean of Shangdong Theological Seminary, gave a lecture themed How to be a Good Church Staff in the New Era, in the five-day training class in which the religious policies and regulations were studied.

Through learning and exchanges, all staff workers said that this training was rich in content and would be very helpful for them to carry out their churches' ministries in the future.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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