Pastor Ordained for Church in Guizhou

The ordination ceremony held in Guilin Church
The ordination ceremony held in Guilin Church
By Yi YangAugust 15th, 2017

Chen Haihong, a female preacher of Guilin Church, was recently ordained as a pastor by Guangxi CCC&TSPM. About 800 believers witnessed the event.

Guilin Church was originally Guilin Baptist Church built in May 1912. It was located at No.37 (previously 185) Zhongshan Middle Road, Shizijie Square in Guilin. The old church was destroyed during the Anti-Japanese War and a new one was reconstructed after the War.

In the early days of the New China, all the pastoral staff and believers from different denominations responded to the call of the TSPM and eliminated denominational prejudices. They united together and worshiped in the same church.

After the Cultural Revolution started in 1966, the church was occupied and services were forced to stop. On Christmas of 1980 after the Cultural Revolution, the services officially resumed in Guilin Church and has continued until now.

Around 1992, the old church was sold to a commercial corporation because of urban reconstruction.  The company bought another site at No.50 (previously 456) Zhongshan Road and built the current church. The new church was completed in October 1994. Covering an area of 747.4 square meters (0.185 acres), the gothic-style church covers an area of area of 1309.9 square meters (0.323 acres) with a floorplan of 1828.5 square meters (0.452 acres) The internal decoration was made from November to December 2011. 

On May 27, 2012, it celebrated its 100th founding anniversary.

- Translated by Karen Luo

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