20 Seekers Baptized in Yifeng, Jiangxi

A total of 20 baptized seekers received baptism in Yifeng Church, Jiangxi, on August 28, 2016.
A total of 20 baptized seekers received baptism in Yifeng Church, Jiangxi, on August 28, 2016. (photo: Rev. Yi )
By Grace ZhiSeptember 1st, 2016

On August 28, 20 seekers received baptism in Yifeng Church and the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time in Jiangxi.

Under the jurisdiction of the prefecture-level city of Yichun, Yifeng is famous for its pleasant climate, rich resources and livehood opportunities. It has a population of 290,000 people and has 16 villages or towns. It has a history of more than 1,780 years, the cradle of two branches of Buddhism: Zen and Mahayana Buddhism.

The church in the city was founded not a long time ago. It has around 200 believers with a severe aging problem.  

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