[Church Featute] The Five Crosses of the Christian Church in Jiangxi Province

Gospel Church in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province
1/2Gospel Church in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province(Photo: Photo provided to CCD)
Gospel Church in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province
2/2Gospel Church in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province(Photo: Photo provided to CCD)
By Grace ZhiAugust 30th, 2016

The 125-years-old church in Ji'an city was built in 1891 by British missionary, sent by the China Inland Mission founded by Hudson Taylor.

The church was built in bluestone quay (about 350 meters in the north away from today's banyan wharf ) in Ji'an city. British missionary began to preach gospel towards the counties and townships nearby, and plant church in Ji'an , Taihe, Jishui, Suichuan. As the mission ministry develops, in western street he purchased  land and built four churches attached to three outbuildings, the church was named as Ji'an Gospel church of China Inland Mission.

The said Gospel Church served the society while evangelizing.They set up female schools and primary schools for children from unfortunate family. The Red Army scored Ji'an in October, 1930, Commander Zhu De together with some Red Army men lived in Gospel Church, and Chairman Mao Zedong often held Red Army leadership meeting in the church. The Gospel Church made contributions to the Agrarian Revolution. Besides, they had the refugee camp during the Anti-Japanese War. After the victory, they opened English classes for social service.

Since 1925, the believers in Ji'an Gospel Church began to be independent and preached Gospel by their own. In 1950, the Gospel Church joined the Three-self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China. In December, 1958,  the China Inland Mission, Anglican Church, Church of the Nazarene and Seventh Day Adventist which belong to the Ji'an Christianity were combined into Ji'an Christian Church. In 1980,  the south of Liu Jiaxiang lane No. 68's week party was restored. On Christmas of 1981 it was moved to Baohua Building.

On August 21st, 1985, due to the implementation of religious policy, the church reopened in a new building. On September 14th, 2003, the name of Gospel Church was restored in honor of marking and inheriting the gospel mission. On September 26th, 2004, because of the city's transformation, the church was removed and rebuilt on western Zhongshan Road No. 30. An area of 2012 square meters was requisitioned, and the church covered an area of 500 square meters , and the building area 500 square meters. The project started in March 2006, and was completed in in June, 2007. New church building dedication ceremony was hold on July 7th. From September 2004 to June 2007, on the Western Yangming Road No. 22, they preached in Ji'an motor factory hall for the time being, and continued to worship there.

Looking into the design of the Gospel Church, the arrangements of the five crosses were very creative and connotative: The cross in church spire represents holding high the cross; the cross on church pavement shows taking the way of the cross; the cross in church baptism pool is a symbol of  living and brought back to life together with the Jesus. The stainless steel cross on the sacred stage of the church shows the eternal life.The cross behind the church means taking up the cross and follow Jesus.

The Gospel Church inherited and carried forward the fire traditions of the church. Each ministry of the said church, especially the Youth Fellowship, is doing well. Besides the Sunday worship, there are also many spiritual gatherings which are held to meet the demands of Christian's belief.

Ji'an Gospel Church
Address:No.30, Shanxi Road, Ji'an city, Jiangxi Province.
Postcode:  343000
Telephone: 0796-8334477

Translated by: Carrie Chen

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