4 Pastors, 4 Elders Ordained in Shandong

Newly-ordained clergy and the pastorate took a group picture after an ordination ceremony conducted at the Central Church in Feicheng, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, on June 23, 2024.
Newly-ordained clergy and the pastorate took a group picture after an ordination ceremony conducted at the Central Church in Feicheng, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, on June 23, 2024. (photo: Shandong TSPM)
By John ZhangAugust 2nd, 2024

A church in Shandong Province held an ordination ceremony.

Shandong Provincial CC&TSPM held the ceremony at the Central Church in Feicheng, Tai'an City, on June 23, reported Shandong TSPM. Rev. Gao Ming, president of the Shandong Provincial Christian Council (CC), delivered a sermon titled "Loss and Gain," encouraging the to-be ordained to serve God with all their heart and strength, and to be faithful servants of God.

During the ceremony hosted by Rev. Wang Mengkun, vice president of Shandong CC, the pastorate ordained four female pastors, two female elders, and two male elders, presenting them with bibles and stoles.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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