Jiangsu Church Rolls out Training of China's Traditional Culture

A training themed "Chinese Traditional Culture" to promote the localization of Christianity was organized in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, on October 13, 2023.
A training themed "Chinese Traditional Culture" to promote the localization of Christianity was organized in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, on October 13, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui October 25th, 2023

China's fine traditional culture training was held in a church in Jiangsu province “to promote the sinicization of Christianity in Wuxi." 

On October 13, Rev. Shi Yingyong, associate professor of the School of Humanities at Jiangnan University, was invited by Wuxi CC&TSPM to teach at Wuxi Church, according to CCC&TSPM.

Professor Shi gave an overview of China’s astronomical calendar, culture of Chinese phonetic symbols, genealogical culture, ancestral hall culture, and filial piety culture in China. Through the comparison of cultures in China or elsewhere, in modern or ancient times, students were able to understand the development of Chinese traditional culture in the past thousand years and the culture of filial piety, as well as the Chinese pursuit of harmony between humanity and nature.

This training course, as the first lesson after Wuxi CC&TSPM signed a contract with the School of Humanities, Jiangnan University, "helped church staff understand China's fine traditional culture from a multi-angle and multi-level perspective."

- Translated by Livingstones Shi

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