Guangdong, Jiangsu Conduct Seminars on Sinicization of Christianity

Guangdong Provincial Sinicization of Christianity Propaganda Group conducted a seminar on the localization of Christianity at Canaan Church in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province on October 14, 2023.
1/2Guangdong Provincial Sinicization of Christianity Propaganda Group conducted a seminar on the localization of Christianity at Canaan Church in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province on October 14, 2023.(Photo: Guangdong Provincial CC&TSPM)
The 10th Theological Seminar on the Localization of Christianity in China was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, on October 16, 2023.
2/2The 10th Theological Seminar on the Localization of Christianity in China was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, on October 16, 2023.(Photo: Jiangsu Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau)
By John ZhangOctober 19th, 2023

Symposiums on the localization of Christianity in China were conducted at churches in Guangdong and Jiangsu.

Beside the seminar, Guangdong Provincial Sinicization of Christianity Propaganda Group carried out preaching events from October 14 to 15 in Zhongshan City, said Guangdong CC&TSPM.

At the seminar held in Canaan Church of Zhongshan City on October 14, Rev. Guo Yun, president of the Guangdong Provincial Christian Council (CC), discussed the exploration of sinicization of Christianity throughout history by figures like Matteo Ricci, Tsu Chen Chao (a Protestant theologian), Wu Yao-tsung (a Protestant leader in China), and Bishop K. H. Ting. This exploration demonstrated the process and necessity of the indigenization of Christianity. From the church governance model of the China Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee, he presents concrete practices of church organization and governance to promote Christianity in the Chinese context.

Rev. Lei Yuming, executive vice president of the Guangdong CC, gave a talk called "Reflections and Approaches to the Sinicization of Christianity." He talked about the localization of Christianity from three different points of view: the Bible and theology, historical context, and current practices. He argued for the biblical foundation of the sinicization of Christianity from the perspectives of the Incarnation, the Council of Jerusalem, and Paul's missionary work. He also discussed the contributions of predecessors from the perspectives of the Indigenization Movement, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, and the development of theological thought.

Rev. Qiu Dan from the Guangdong Union Theological Seminary presented a speech titled "The Convergence of 'Canticle of the Sun' by St. Francis and Traditional Chinese Culture." She engaged in an interactive discussion between St. Francis' famous song "Canticle of the Sun" and the concepts of "harmony between heaven and humanity," "harmony of body and mind," and "social harmony." The discussion highlighted the significant role of their convergence in the current ecological civilization's development and environmental ethics.

The next day, five members of the propaganda group delivered thematic sermons titled "Wealth without Worry," "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself," "Practice What You Preach," "Viewing 'Dedication' From the Perspective of Vineyard Workers," and "You Are the Salt and Light of the World" at five churches in Zhongshan City.

According to the Jiangsu Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau, on October 16, the opening ceremony of the 10th Theological Seminar on the Localization of Christianity in China was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

Following the opening ceremony, leaders and expert scholars in attendance jointly unveiled Jiangsu Province’s Sinicization of Christianity Research Center. Professor You Bin from the Minzu University of China and Yan Kejia, director of the Institute of Religious Studies at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, delivered keynote speeches.

During the forum, 24 experts, scholars, and educational professionals from both inside and outside the province engaged in discussions and exchanges on the historical status, theory, and practical exploration of the localization of Christianity in China.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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