Celebrations Held for Mid-Autumn Festival in Jiangxi

Believers celebrated the 74th National Day along with the Mid-Autumn Festival at the Jesus Church in Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, on September 27, 2023.
Believers celebrated the 74th National Day along with the Mid-Autumn Festival at the Jesus Church in Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, on September 27, 2023. (photo: Yichun Jesus Church)
By Serena TseOctober 9th, 2023

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jiangxi Bible School hosted a welcome party to celebrate the new enrollment.

Rev. Li Yungen, the headmaster of the Jiangxi Bible School and chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial TSPM, gave the opening remarks at the school's welcoming reception on September 27, according to Jiangxi CC&TSPM. He encouraged the freshman to love God and the Bible, learn with joy, gain grace and truth, and better serve the churches and society.

During the reception party, students performed self-written and directed sketches, three sentences and a half (a traditional Chinese folk art performance form), dances, poetry recitations, and small choruses.

Jesus Church in Yichun City also celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival and the 74th National Day on the same day, said this church. Rev. Yi Zaizhong, chairman and president of Yichun CC&TSPM and senior pastor of the Jesus Church, preached a sermon titled “Be a Patriotic and Faithful Christian," exhorting believers to live a meaningful life for the Lord, cultivate a healthy worldview, and engage in social activities. Following the sermon, church staff distributed boxes of Cantonese-style mooncakes to each attending believer.

For believers residing in remote areas or nursing homes, the staff was divided into several groups to deliver mooncakes to their homes or bedsides.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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