Taian TSPM Holds Training Session for Pastors

By Mark Cui August 15th, 2023

In order to improve the theological competence and pastoral ability of preachers, a church in Liaoning Province held a training session for preachers and co-workers in each parish.

Thirteen parish preachers from all over Taian attended a training session held by the TSPM at the Victory Church in Taian County, Anshan City, from August 8 to August 9.

The training was mainly focused on the sermons of the pastoral co-workers so as to achieve the purpose of training, improvement, and deepening.

Elder Shi Xiuchen, vice chairman of the Anshan TSPM and chairman of the Taian TSPM, hosted the training session and gave a sermon for the Lord on August 8.

Afterwards, seven preachers from various churches testified from different perspectives, combining biblical truths with the specific situations of churches, believers, and preachers.

A preacher said that they benefited much from this training. Eight preachers preached from different perspectives, as if eight people made eight dishes. I hope that the next training can be held for a few more days and that those who come will get it.

What is even more touching is that there was a female believer who is mortally ill but still insisted on two days of training. Additionally, there were other believers who attended the training during the day and worked at night.

The training also included praise, prayer, and communication.

(The article is written by a special contributor of the Gospel Times at Victory Church, Taian, Liaoning.)

-Translated by Cassie Li

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