Relocation of Sichuan Centurial Church Starts

A groundbreaking ceremony for Rose Church in Jiangyang District, Luzhou, Sichuan, was hosted in its original Jiangyang Church on June 23, 2023.
A groundbreaking ceremony for Rose Church in Jiangyang District, Luzhou, Sichuan, was hosted in its original Jiangyang Church on June 23, 2023. (photo:  CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangJune 29th, 2023

The relocation process of a centurial Church in Sichuan province, southwest China, has commenced. A groundbreaking ceremony was organized to mark this significant event.

The primary venue for the ceremony was the Jiangyang Church in Luzhou City's District, with the ribbon-cutting ceremony taking place at the construction site on June 23, CCC&TSPM reported.

Originally constructed in 1913, Jiangyang Church in Luzhou City boasts a 110-year history. However, due to its age and deteriorating condition, it poses potential safety risks. Consequently, the government has designated a new plot of land for the construction of the church which is renamed as Rose Church. Once completed, the church will serve as a multi-functional facility, providing comprehensive services such as worship, administrative functions, training programs, Bible exhibitions, collection of Christian literature, Christian art exhibits, medical services, and elderly care.

Rev. Liao Xiaoqin, chairman of the Luzhou Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), expressed the intention to prioritize the collection, organization, and preservation of Christian cultural relics during the construction of the new church.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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