Pastors Trained in Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia

Pastors and church leaders took a group picture during a training course for pastors in Dalat Banner, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, on April 12, 2023.
Pastors and church leaders took a group picture during a training course for pastors in Dalat Banner, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, on April 12, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangApril 24th, 2023

Training courses were conducted for pastors in Jiangsu and Inner Mongolia.

The 2023 spring training course in Huai'an District, Jiangsu Province, was held for nearly 100 pastors. Zhang Jingdong, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the District Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and director of the District Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He emphasized the need to adhere to the direction of the sinicization of Christianity, according to Huai'an CC&TSPM.

On April 12, the Ordos CC&TSPM of Inner Mongolia held the first city-wide training class in Dalat Banner for about 70 clergymen from all banners and districts of the city, said CCC&TSPM.

Rev. Xie Baohua, chairman and president of the Inner Mongolia CC&TSPM, gave a lecture with the title "Promote Christianity in the Chinese Context." Rev. David Wang taught the "Administrative Measures for Religious Groups" and "Measures for the Administration of Religious Personnel." Elder Yang Rugang shared a lecture on the theme "Love the Country and Religion". Rev. Meng Lingen led them in studying the "Administrative Measures for Internet Religious Information Services" and the "Measures for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Christian Clergy in China."

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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