Funeral Service of Deceased Rev. Ma Mingjiang Held in Shijiazhuang

A funeral service was held for Pastor Ma Mingjiang in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, at a local funeral parlor on April 4, 2023.
A funeral service was held for Pastor Ma Mingjiang in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, at a local funeral parlor on April 4, 2023. (photo: Shijiazhuang TSPM)
By Mark Cui April 11th, 2023

A funeral service was held for a deceased pastor named Ma Mingjiang, in Hebei, in eastern China.

It was held in the funeral parlor of Shijiazhuang on April 4, according to Shijiazhuang TSPM.

Rev. Guo Yunliang, vice chairman of Shijiazhuang TSPM, presided over the service. Rev. Ren Junhai, vice president of Shijiazhuang Christian Council, read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 there.

Rev. Feng Moxi, chairman of Shijiazhuang TSPM, delivered a eulogy. He said, “Rev. Ma loved her country and her faith all her life. Insisting on running the church according to the three-self principle, she actively carried out the construction of theological ideology and promoted the sinicization of Christianity. She made great contributions to the development of Christianity in Shijiazhuang.”

Rev. Zhou Aiqin, president of the Shijiazhuang Christian Council, gave an overview of Rev. Ma’s life and expressed her condolences. Rev. Ma’s daughter gave a thank-you speech, and Elder Gu Meng’ai of Luquan District Church prayed in memory of Rev. Ma.

- Translated by Stephen Huang

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