Bible Schools and Seminaries Across China Welcome New Students

Guizhou Bible School held the opening ceremony for the autumn semester 2024 in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, on September 2, 2024.
Guizhou Bible School held the opening ceremony for the autumn semester 2024 in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, on September 2, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Hermas WangSeptember 13th, 2024

Recently, Bible Schools and Seminaries across China have started a new academic semester, welcoming new students.

According to the China Christian Council & National Committee of Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant (CCC&TSPM), on September 2nd, Guizhou Bible School held its Fall 2024 Term Commencement Service, with a total of 130 faculty and students in attendance. The school chaplain, Pastor Wang Zuomou, preached on the topic of "The Three Disciplines of the Contemporary Theological Student", exhorting the students to discipline their bodies, minds, and godliness, all for the glory of God and the benefit of others.

At the Opening Ceremony, President Yang Chaoyun expressed his ardent hopes for the students, encouraging them to pursue their dreams, make daily progress, and ultimately achieve success. Reverend Luo Yingfu, chairman of the Guizhou Provincial TSPM Committee, urged the students to start by learning how to be a person, plan their lives, and read widely, devoting their full passion and dedication to their studies this new academic semester.

That same day, Guangdong Union Theological Seminary also celebrated the opening of its 2024-2025 academic year. President Xu Jieping welcomed the nearly 30 new students, and, using 1 Timothy 6:11, exhorted the students to establish their lives upon the foundation of truth, pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. He also reminded them to avoid envy, dissension, slander, base suspicion, covetousness, and other evil deeds.

Following the Opening Ceremony, the seminary held a series of devotional meetings in the afternoon and evening. Pastor Li Jianxiang, former senior pastor of Longdu Church in Zhongshan, shared messages on "Transcending Mediocrity - Growing in Service" and "The Person Who Walks with God."

On September 4th, Anhui Theological Seminary welcomed 200 faculty and students to its Fall Semester Opening Ceremony. President Chen Tianyuan expounded on the seminary's motto of "Godliness, Virtue, Diligence, Health, and Harmony," encouraging the students to clarify their goals, study with diligence, and strive to become evangelists who embody both love for their country and devotion to their church in this new era.

The following day, on September 5th, according to the Shaanxi CC&TSPM, the senior students and 25 freshman students of the Shaanxi Bible School's Theological Junior College, as well as the 57 participants in the 4th Shaanxi Provincial Christian Pastoral Leadership Training Program, attended the school's Fall Semester Opening Ceremony. President Wang Hong addressed the assembly, reaffirming the school’s commitment to upholding correct educational principles while continuously improving teaching quality and refining the school’s management systems in the new academic semester.

On September 6th, Jiangsu Theological Seminary held its 2024-2025 Academic Year Opening Ceremony in the auditorium. Reverend Kan Renping, Chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial TSPM Committee, pointed out that Jiangsu Theological Seminary has been continuously optimizing its teaching environment and educational programs in recent years, with remarkable achievements. He encouraged the students, using the seminary's motto of "Visionary, Responsible, Serving,"  to strive to become theological students with strategic vision, a sense of responsibility, and a heart to serve.

On September 10th, the Fall Semester Term Commencement Service of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary was held in the school's auditorium. Reverend Shan Weixiang, Vice President of the National TSPM and Board Director of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, preached on the theme of "breakthrough,"  using Genesis 12:1-2 to exhort both the faculty and students to have the faith to step out of their comfort zones and the determination to challenge what may seem impossible. He encouraged them to embrace the responsibilities of this era, emphasizing that through personal breakthroughs, they can become better instruments in the hands of the Lord.

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