90 Seekers of Anshan Church Baptized

Rev. Jiang Mao baptized seekers in the Xingsheng Church, Tiexi District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, on August 18, 2024.
Rev. Jiang Mao baptized seekers in the Xingsheng Church, Tiexi District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, on August 18, 2024. (photo: Wu Zhongyi)
By Wu ZhongyiAugust 21st, 2024

The 90 seekers of Xingsheng Church in Anshan City, Liaoning Province, were baptized on August 18.

In the church's annual baptism and communion service, the 90 seekers were baptized to become members of the church family after the cultivation and examination of faith.

Rev. Jiang Mao, vice president of the Anshan CC and pastor of Xingsheng Church, Tiexi District, Anshan City, preached a sermon titled "Talking about Baptism" based on Matthew 28:18-20  on August 18. He shared the message of the requirements for baptism and the meaning of baptism.

Among the baptism candidates, 87 seekers came to the front of the church before the cross, and Pastor Jiang baptized them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The church took photos and printed photos for each of them.

On the same day, three members of the church's Deaf Fellowship were separately baptized into the Lord.

(Originally published by the Gospel Times, the article has been edited under permission.)

- Translated by Emily Qu

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