Fuzhou Church Concludes Finals of First Youth Singing Competition

Rev. Nian Xiaoliang delivered the closing prayer for the inaugural youth singing competition themed "Voice for the Lord" at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou, Fujian, with winning singers standing by, on July 27, 2024.
Rev. Nian Xiaoliang delivered the closing prayer for the inaugural youth singing competition themed "Voice for the Lord" at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou, Fujian, with winning singers standing by, on July 27, 2024.
By Lin MuliJuly 30th, 2024

A church in Fujian hosted the finals for its first inaugural youth singing competition themed "Voice for the Lord."

Ten top singers and four outstanding singers were selected during the finals of the inaugural youth singing competition themed "Voice for the Lord" at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou.

On July 13, over 40 contestants registered for the preliminary round with their chosen songs. 

On July 27, after nearly two hours of competition among the 15 contestants selected from the preliminaries, the judges announced the winners: ten top singers and four outstanding singers.

Qu Yuanhai won the championship with his song, “Your Love Never Changes.” Emma took second place with her song “Eternal Dependence,” and Zheng Linjie placed third with his song “You Raise Me Up.”

(The article was originally published by the Gospel Times and the author is a believer at a church in Fuzhou, Fujian.)

- Translated by Abigail Wu


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