Fuzhou Church Launches First Youth Singing Competition

Five judges concluded that one contestant would go to the final of the inaugural youth singing competition at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou, Fujian, on July 13, 2024.
Five judges concluded that one contestant would go to the final of the inaugural youth singing competition at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou, Fujian, on July 13, 2024. (photo: Provided by Lin Muli)
By Lin MuliJuly 17th, 2024

A church in Fujian hosted the inaugural youth singing competition themed "Voice for the Lord."

At Shangdu Church in Fuzhou on July 13, dozens of contestants sang in the order of their registration. After weeks of organization and rehearsals, they performed diverse styles of music, expressing their love for God and life. Most of the participants were young members of churches in Cangshan District.

Five judges provided final feedback (advancement or elimination) to each contestant. Those who received three advancement tickets moved on to the second round, where they sang with accompaniment. The judges then announced the names of the 15 contestants advancing to the finals.

According to the organizing committee's rules, contestants could choose any positive song for the preliminary round, but finalists must sing Christian songs. The finals will be conducted on July 27 at the church, where the ten best youth singers will come out.

(The article was originally published by the Gospel Times and the author is a believer from Fuzhou, Fujian.)

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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