Shannxi CC&TSPM Hosts Luis Palau Association

Rev. Levi Park, director of the international ministry of the Louis Palau Association in the United States, took a picture with Rev. Wang Jun, chairman and president of Shaanxi CC&TSPM, during his visit to Shaanxi CC&TSPM on May 7, 2024.
Rev. Levi Park, director of the international ministry of the Louis Palau Association in the United States, took a picture with Rev. Wang Jun, chairman and president of Shaanxi CC&TSPM, during his visit to Shaanxi CC&TSPM on May 7, 2024. (photo:  CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui May 15th, 2024

Rev. Wang Jun, chairman and president of Shaanxi CC&TSPM, hosted Rev. Levi Park, director of the international ministry of the Luis Palau Association in the United States, and Dr. Wang Xiuyu, the chief advisor.

Rev. Wang Jun expressed his appreciation to the Luis Palau Association for maintaining friendly relations with the Chinese church over the years and for respecting the Three-Self Principle of the Chinese church on May 7, according to CCC&TSPM. Rev. Wang gave a brief introduction to guests on the development of society and the church in Shaanxi since the reform and opening up in 1978. He also introduced the background and significance of the proposal of theological thought development and the ministry of the sinicization of Christianity, as well as Shannxi CC&TSPM’s explorations and practices on the latter.

Rev. Li Shizheng, vice chairman, vice president, and secretary-general of the provincial CC&TSPM, introduced the local customs, the history of the church, the current situation, and the main work carried out by Shannxi CC&TSPM.

Rev. Levi Park introduced the background of the establishment of the Louis Palau Association, its development, and the main work it has been doing recently. He hopes to have more communication and cooperation with Shannxi CC&TSPM and the churches in Shaanxi in the future, so as to be a better witness for Christ.

- Translated by Cassie Li

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