Shanxi Church Promotes Family Relationships

Chengqu Church invited Ms. Liu Qiaomei, a nationally licensed second-level psychological counselor and senior family education instructor, to give a lecture to help believers repair and improve family relationships in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, on March 1 to 2, 2024.
Chengqu Church invited Ms. Liu Qiaomei, a nationally licensed second-level psychological counselor and senior family education instructor, to give a lecture to help believers repair and improve family relationships in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, on March 1 to 2, 2024. (photo: Jincheng Municipal Three-Self Patriotic Movement)
By Serena TseMarch 7th, 2024

A church in Shanxi Province held a themed lecture, “Happy Family Workshop,” to help believers repair and improve family relationships. 

According to the Jincheng Municipal Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), the Chengqu Church in Jincheng City invited Ms. Liu Qiaomei, a nationally licensed second-level psychological counselor and senior family education instructor, to give a lecture on March 1–2. The lecture featured the meaning of happiness, parent-child relationships, husband-wife relationships, and issues in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. She helped the attendees develop the concept: "Happiness is having the moment; I am the source of everything; my family’s well-being improves as my mindset is better; and the inner state shapes the external relationship."

In the interactive session, believers took on family roles in situational engagement experiences that provided mental awakening and release through language expression and emotional release. Following that, during the psychological counseling session, participants were given analysis and guidance that demonstrated how to begin changing themselves to rectify the incorrect thinking and behavior patterns.

Evening courses limited to 15 people were also available for parent-child relationships and reconstituted family relationships, providing targeted and specialized therapy to those in need of assistance and healing.

The two-day psychological workshop was rooted in faith, where the present believers learned not only to love themselves and their families but also to consider other people's points of view and tolerate others' flaws.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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