Jiangsu Hosts Comprehensive Training Course for Information Officers

A group picture was taken after a comprehensive training course for communication officers held at Huai'an Church in Jiangsu Province on August 1st, 2023.
A group picture was taken after a comprehensive training course for communication officers held at Huai'an Church in Jiangsu Province on August 1st, 2023. (photo: Huai'an CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangAugust 4th, 2023

A comprehensive training course for communication officers was held at a church in East China’s Jiangsu Province.

In order to further enhance the comprehensive qualities of members of the Sinicization of Christianity Propaganda Group in Huai'an and information officers for the WeChat official account "Huai'an Church", on August 1st, Huai'an CC&TSPM held a comprehensive training course for information officers at a church in Huai’an, reported Huai’an CC&TSPM. Over 50 people, including staff members from county and district CC&TSPMs, information officers, and members of the Sinicization of Christianity Propaganda Group in Huai’an, attended the training.

In the morning, Professor Yan Xiyu, deputy editor-in-chief of Tianfeng, a flagship magazine of CCC&TSPM, gave a special lecture titled "Writing Under the Background of Sinicizing Christianity." He elaborated on how writers can effectively engage in the preaching of the sinicization of Christianity in the new era, focusing on strengthening theoretical literacy to form a historical perspective and theological system of Chinese Christianity and using the practices of the Chinese church as a starting point. After the lecture, Professor Yan visited the exhibition hall of the sinicization of Christianity in Huai'an.

In the afternoon, Jiang Zhouwei, a member of the China Photographers Association and vice chairman of the Huai'an Photographers Association, delivered a lecture on "Common Knowledge and Photography Skills for News Photography." He explained the characteristics of news photography, preparation before the shooting, shooting techniques, and precautions. He also analyzed news photos from the WeChat official account "Huai'an Church", sharing experiences and exchanging insights.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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