Feature: Pastor Bids Farewell to His Godly Mother

A picture of purple flowers in the church cemetery
A picture of purple flowers in the church cemetery (photo: pixabay.com)
By Esther TianJuly 19th, 2023

An ordinary mother who brought her family of 62 to God died at 92.

Pastor Yun (pseudonym) began to make a living away from his hometown at the age of 17. Because of his faith in God since childhood, he wanted to gather everywhere he went. Subsequently, he conducted business during the day and received invitations from Christians to share the gospel at night. Later, God led Pastor Yun into full-time ministry, and he has been serving for more than 30 years.

Pastor Yun attributes his journey of service to God's grace and his mother's love and teaching.

Pastor Yun shared it at her funeral. She was the first Christian in the family. At the age of 36, she became a believer during an illness. In the following 50 years, she brought the whole family (including her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and their spouses) to God. When she was ill in bed, she was still preaching the gospel to the only son who did not believe in Jesus. It was not until the son, who was away from her all year, promised her to believe in the Lord and go to church that she left with peace of mind.

Pastor Yun recalled that after his mother believed in God, she attended gatherings and training. She not only often served in the church but also dedicated her home to receiving believers from far and near. She always spoke words of encouragement and cultivation, and she never said anything bad or negative.

When she met the villagers in the same village, relatives and friends, or believers, she would tell them to believe in Jesus and go to church.

She loved to sing hymns and pray. She never prayed for her children to be rich or promoted, but only asked God to lead the whole family to repent and believe in the Lord.

Pastor Yun admitted that he was very naughty when he was a child. He often fought with others and never gave up. But his mother always saved him with gentle teaching. Pastor Yun said that it was his mother who made him from an unreasonable child to a pastor who could speak the truth.

Pastor Yun is the youngest son in the family. His becoming a preacher brought great joy to his mother. A few years ago, Pastor Yun's eldest brother began to participate in church services, and his second older brother promised his mother to believe in the Lord before her bed, which was also the greatest joy of the whole family.

Pastor Yun's mother blessed many souls with the love and patience of Christ. On the day of the funeral, over one thousand relatives, friends, and believers saw her off.

- Translated by Oliver Zuo

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