Zhejiang Church Marks 100-day Countdown to 19th Asian Games

 Changle Folk Band of Sicheng Church in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, performed a  song to welcome the 100-day countdown to the 19th Asian Games to be hosted in Hangzhou on the 15th of June, 2023.
Changle Folk Band of Sicheng Church in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, performed a song to welcome the 100-day countdown to the 19th Asian Games to be hosted in Hangzhou on the 15th of June, 2023. (photo: Sicheng Church.)
By John ZhangJune 21st, 2023

A folk band hailing from a church in Zhejiang recently participated in the community's 100-day countdown to the upcoming Asian Games.

To celebrate the momentous occasion of welcoming the 100-day countdown to the highly anticipated the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, the Xiaoyingxiang community planned an array of cultural and sports performances for its Neighborhood Festival event on the 15th of June. This event was also co-organized by Sicheng Church.

The program at the event site comprised several engaging activities such as skits, Tai Chi, line dancing, Yue opera, cheongsam shows, Rouli Ball exercises, and Duo dance. Changle Folk Band of Sicheng Church performed two songs, "Good Bonus" and "Jingle Bells," with Chinese folk instruments.

"As a church situated in the Xiaoyingxiang community in Hangzhou, it is indeed a great honor for us to contribute to the Asian Games, which are scheduled to begin soon," the church said.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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