Beizheng St. Christian Church in Hunan Holds the Second 'Ant Market'

Two believers of Beizhengjie Church in Changsha, Hunan, were selling their idle goods on July 11, 2022.
Two believers of Beizhengjie Church in Changsha, Hunan, were selling their idle goods on July 11, 2022. (photo:  Beizhengjie Church )
By Wu ZhongyiJuly 15th, 2022

A church in central China's Hu'nan Province held an activity of buying and selling idle goods, in response to the “Joint Initiative on Advocating Frugality and Abstaining from Extravagance” issued by various national religious groups.

Beizhengjie Church in Changsha, hosted the second “Ant Market” activity on July 11, with the first one held on Mother’s Day, said the church.

The event was attended by Morning Star Choir, Youth Choir, and Morning Choir which conducted "Bethel Stall” and "Olive Stall". A total of five stalls were operated by these three choirs. At the market site, flat-panel displays were used to show the styles and uses of various commodities so that participants could understand the inventory and sales volume of commodities displayed there. The goods included various books, toys, decorations, electric cookers, electric fans, tea sets, cups and bowls, various clothes, lamps, shoes and hats, clocks, cosmetics, and handicrafts. The whole market was just like a small trade fair. Many goods were reserved before they were put on the market, some even snapped up as soon as they were put on the stall. This "Ant Market" combined physical objects with technology.

According to the church, someone bought a kettle for two yuan, and another bought a desk lamp for five yuan. These small goods they bought not only satisfied their own needs but also were affordable. This Ant Market turned waste into wealth, "advocating the consciousness of frugality and abstaining from extravagance".

- Translated by Stephen Huang

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