Harbin Churches Together Hold Bazaar

Volunteers of Harbin Bethel Church sold dumplings to raise money for charity and visitation ministries on Dec. 15, 2019.
Volunteers of Harbin Bethel Church sold dumplings to raise money for charity and visitation ministries on Dec. 15, 2019. (photo: Harbin Bethel Church )
By Anthony LeeDecember 23rd, 2019

On December 15, 2019, Harbin Bethel Church and Hallelujah Church together held a charity bazaar. 

About 100 pastoral workers and volunteers joined the campaign, according to Harbin Bethel Church. Dumplings produced by a local food company and daily necessities were sold.  

The earnings will be devoted to the social service ministry of providing for rural people to enjoy the "five essentials" of food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses, poor families, and sanitation workers as well as visiting lonely elderly people.   

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