On December 31, 2019 at 7:00pm, Wuhan Shengguang Church held a New Year's prayer meeting.
According to the church, more than 150 brothers and sisters attended it. Some church members played the piano to praise the Lord and led the congregation to worship with heart and sincerity. Pastor Yang Xi gave a sermon entitled "Counting the Grace of God". Sister Yang Ling led everyone to meditate on the theme "Repentance". They counted the many ways that God had been gracious and gave good testimony to the Lord.
When the clock struck midnight, the brothers and sisters blessed each other, and Pastor Chen Qin gave New Year's gifts to those who attended the prayer meeting. He led the brothers and sisters in offering a united prayer for the country's prosperity and strength, the well-being of the people, the stability of society, the revival and development of the church, and the harmony of the family.
- Translated by Charlie Li