[Interview] Management Experience of Xinzheng Church in Henan

Xinzheng Church
1/3Xinzheng Church(Photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
Xinzheng Church
2/3Xinzheng Church(Photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
Pastor Shen of Xinzheng Church
3/3Pastor Shen of Xinzheng Church(Photo: Photo Provided to CCD)
By Ding Dong May 5th, 2017

Editor's note: Xinzheng City is a county-level city located in Zhengzhou. It has a superior geographical environment. However, it doesn't have many financial or talent resources.

This interview is mainly involved with the management, ministry, treatment of fellow workers, pension system and social service in the church.

China Christian Daily: There used to be few believers and pastors in the Chinese church. So it was relatively easy to manage the church.As our society develops, the number of Christians in the church also increases. However, the management of the church has become a thorny issue. How does your church join the power of all of its fellow workers together?

Pastor Shen: It is good to see that the number of believers and fellow workers in the church has increased. However, I have to admit the increase has also brought about difficulty to the management of the church.

Only twelve apostles won't have big contradiction. Wise apostles solved the contradiction faced with increasing believers. They have turned the problem into a blessing.

So is the case we are facing today. The increase of pastors can be either be a disaster or a blessing. It depends on how we deal with it. We need a rational system to manage the church so that every pastor can work towards the same purpose.  

Our church tells every fellow worker they should have a true knowledge of their identity. They are pastors. Their goal is to preach the Gospel to the world.

Our church has clear and high standards when choosing new pastors. They should have good reputation. They should be full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit. The management of our church is not difficult because our pastors have good qualities. We all work towards the same purpose.

The gift of pastors is an important reference. We will examine and weigh the fellow workers' ability from different angles. We will put fellow workers in the right position according to their gifts.

Once we make a pastor take charge of a team or a ministry, we will give him much scope to use his talents. We encourage him to build a good team. Even if he makes some mistakes, he won't be scolded. We will help him summarize the experience and do better next time.

China Christian Daily: Are fellow workers of your church worried about their life?

Pastor Shen: Our church solves the basic needs of life for our pastors. However, we won't offer them too much in case they forget their mission in the comfortable environment. We can cover their living expense; but, they will never raise useless people in our church. It is a virtuous circle. We maintain the confidence of our fellow workers and prevent corruption in the church.

If any fellow worker runs into a difficulty in life, we will help him solve it. We are also perfecting the insurance system of pastors. We hope our pastors could have the power to face any emergencies in life. All in all, the fellow workers in our church could have a stable life and family.

We have also considered the capacity of believers when setting the wage system. I know believers are concerned about their pastors' living standards, especially in Henan province. Pastors should have a spirit of suffering. We should never leave others an impression that we are rich. It will be easier for us to set model for believers when we live a more simple life than them.

China Christian Daily: Is there a pension system in your Church? Do you think the church should give retired fellow workers pension?

Pastor Shen: If a man works for our church until an old age, we must take care of their retirement. Jesus entrusted John to take care of old Maria. Our church has also established a pension system. All pastoral staff can get good care there. We won't make people, who have been committed to God, live a miserable life when they are old.

China Christian Daily: I heard that your church has also done a good job in social service. Do you think the church should have social concern?

Pastor Shen: The church should care about our society. Christians should also actively devote themselves into the society and take an active stance to witness the existence of God.

Our church used to build a road for our village, which has brought about convenience to villagers and good testimony. Many villagers joined us through our actions.

Christianity is not an indoor religion. Christians must walk into society and conduct our faith. Social service is a channel to spread positive energy. It is in accordance with the teaching "Love Everyone" in the Bible. Social service is also consistent with the teachings of Chinese culture. For example, Disciple Gauge told us to love everyone and be a friend of kindness. Social service is a great way for us to witness God.

Translated by Emma Ma

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