New Church to Be Dedicated in Kunming

The interior of the church
1/2The interior of the church (Photo: Rev. Jing Yicheng )
Beichen Church
2/2Beichen Church(Photo: Rev. Jing Yicheng)
By Yi YangAugust 11th, 2016

Kunming will dedicate a new, larger Beichen Church as a campus of Kunming Trinity International Church  on August 20, 2016, the church's 10th founding anniversary.   

Situated in Panlong District, the church can accommodate 4,000 people with a newly completed comprehensive building. The total construction area spans 11,390 square meters.

The former church with over 500 square meters was famous for its location close to a pedestrian street in Beichen Community. It held its last Sunday service in late April.

It developed from a gathering place permitted to be founded by the local religious affairs bureau on July 13, 2006. The original gathering held its opening ceremony on August 20, 2006 with more than 800 believers from the various local churches in attendance. Currently, it has grown into a church where over 1,000 people attend its services.

Due to the church's development and growing number of believers, the church held the foundation stone laying ceremony on May 16, 2014 and began to build the new church building, which can accommodate 4,000 members at one time, and meet the needs of the administrative office and ministry on January 10, 2015.

Since the older church couldn't hold more people, the church requested a land covering 5,205 square meters for the new church, which was approved by the local government. 

It held the foundation stone laying ceremony on May 16, 2014 and the construction started on January 10, 2015.

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