Largest Church Celebrates the First Founding Anniv., Hunan

Xingsha Church in construction
1/2Xingsha Church in construction (Photo: Rev. Chen Zhi)
The congregation worship God in the temporary gathering place
2/2The congregation worship God in the temporary gathering place (Photo: Rev. Chen Zhi )
By Josiah LiJuly 6th, 2016

The Xingsha Church in Changsha, Hunan celebrated its first founding anniversary on July 3, 2016 with 170 people attending the festivities.

Since the church's establishment on July 5, 2015, the congrigations worshipped in a temporary apartment with an area of 300 square meters, which also serves as the location where the dances and performances of children from the Sunday school are held.

Colored balloons on the pillars decorated the place and some balloons were also on the ceiling to form the design of a "cross."

About a year ago, Rev. Chen Zhi, the senior pastor, and the other five co-workers planted the church on Dongshen Road with over 20 believers supporting the establishment. Now, the church has over 200 registered members with a weekly attendance of 114 on average this June.

The three-story church building - the future largest church in Hunan - will be completed inside Hunan Bible School as the local landmark. The principal parts have been finished with the cross on the top and currently, the internal decorations are being done.

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