Pastors, stop telling ‘lies’ and be real

Bible (photo: Pixabay)
By RoyJune 7th, 2016

Many believers often believe that their pastors and church leaders are excellent role-models and can be approached to for spiritual support. However, this belief is often shattered and leave believers cheated especially if the church leader’s teaching is not aligned with the real world. As a result of this betrayal, followers leave the church and leave disappointed.

Considering these trends, we discourage church leaders from preaching false realities of their lives or telling “white lies” to their congregation. We trust God himself to demonstrate His mighty power regardless of of the exaggerations done by man regarding His teachings or the maneuvering of the truth by the church pastors. 

1. Share your own experiences with complete honesty. 

Most of us tend to exaggerate our credentials and some even fake their experiences when job hunting to gain an attractive job. However, one should never do this especially when it comes to church ministry work. Church goers want their pastors to be sincere and honest rather than them putting up a perfect front to the people and preach messages that is not relevant to life. People need a sincere and honest friend who can understand their struggles and not a preacher that is distant and insensitive. 

In the Bible, Paul’s sharing of his own conversion story is honest and subjective, calling himself “the worst amongst all sinners” before knowing Christ. He addressed himself this way instead of telling people the glamorous aspects of his life which effectively showed God’s miraculous power through him. 

Even if their pasts are not that glamorous, pastors should not feel ashamed of this fact and they should be open in sharing their story to their parishioners. It is unwise for anyone to paint a rosy picture over one’s life especially as they take on a pastoral role. A pastor’s role is to preach God’s word and God’s transforming power through sinners’ life. 

2. Do not exaggerate your testimonies. 

Oftentimes, pastors tend to exaggerate his own conversion testimonies in order to lure more churchgoers to the church. Some paint an overly pathetic picture over their past struggles and even add excessive details regarding the happiness they are feeling in life in order to wow the crowd with “God’s transforming power.”

This tendency of exaggerating details can have a very big impact especially for those who would notice the exaggerations easily. Pastors need to be careful when he shares his story considering this tendency to exaggerate. Here are some of the ways pastors can avoid exaggerating their stories:

First, they need to understand that authentic stories have the power to touch lives. Similar to the work of the Holy Spirit, the message is made not through noise, but through speech through God’s small and gentle voice. 

One should never underestimate the power and encouragement brought by your struggles which you shared to others. Others may be greatly encouraged to fight when they remember your struggles if they experience the same instance in the future. 

3. Be open to share your current season of faith. 

Like other people, pastors have their ups and downs. They experience tough spiritual battles too just like other believers. When challenge comes, some pastors often put up a front and claim they are alright even if it is clear in their minds that they are not ok. 

The Bible teaches us to “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2).” This command is surely not only directed to regular believers, but it is also meant for pastors and leaders themselves. 

While people cannot relate to the struggle pastors often feel or help them, people can help them through their prayers and intercession as it would lift up their spirits and help the reach God’s protective hands which could help them fight their daily spiritual warfare. 

Moreover, it’s completely normal for pastors to make mistakes in life as everyone falls short of the glory of God in God’s kingdom. However, if the same issue persists when pastors are reluctant to repent or refuse to submit themselves to the scripture, it would be almost impossible for their parishioners to experience the kind of hope and freedom as portrayed by their pastors in the Scriptures if their role models do not embody these teachings. 

4. Do not conceal financial matters.

When it comes to financial issues in the church, Satan has found many loopholes in that area in order to attack the church. The lack of transparence in the church’s financial management led many pastors and church leaders to fall into temptation in misusing church resources. This temptation causes them to lose their spiritual walk with God. 

Regardless of how much funding a church has, all church members are entitled to know the entire amount of the church’s funds. Most church members can entrust the role of handling church funding to a leadership group. Nonetheless, it would be appropriate if the church people would hold the leadership team accountable of the decisions they make regarding these funds. 

Satan is roaming around like a lion looking for people to devour. Pastors, who are tasked to protect and shepherd souls for God, are definitely Satan’s main targets. But, when pastors open up their hearts to their church members, their struggles can be prayer-covered by the whole congregation thus leaving no loopholes for Satan to squeeze in. 

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