Chongyi Church Request Prayer for its Senior Pastor Gu Yuese

Rev. Gu Yuese(Joseph)
1/2Rev. Gu Yuese(Joseph)(Photo: ChinaChristianDaily)
Chongyi Church
2/2Chongyi Church(Photo: ChinaChristianDaily)
By Ruth WangFebruary 1st, 2016

January 31th, Chongyi Church released a weekly request of prayer items. Among them the second is to pray and watch for other herders of the church, and the third is to pray for Rev. Gu Yuese.

The weekly prayer list contains the following:

1)Beg the Lord to keep the dedicated mind and the heart of loving God, not to be disobedient to the vision from heaven, follow faithfully the Lord Jesus Christ.

2)Blessing herders to receive the word of the Lord and fulfill the God’s word in their life. Renewing their hearts and soul with the Holy Spirit.

3)Blessing the herder not to misuse their power. But guide their mind and heart, to love the Lord with all theri mind, heart and strength.

The weekly prayer request asks its congregation particularly to pray for pastor Gu Yuese: beg the Lord to help Rev.Gu keeping his faith in adversity, standing firmly in the trials of the cross.

CCC of zhejiang province on January 29th issued a notification regarding Pastor Gu Yuese, saying that Rev. Gu is on suspicion of embezzlement and other economic problems. Related departments are taking the investigation.

As a Christian association of zhejiang province. Chongyi Church is located in downtown of Hangzhou city (Jianggan District, 26-28 Xintang Rd.) The church and the surrounding land of 22.471 mu , is one of the largest churches in Hangzhou area .The church has a new hall, rebuild in 2003, completed in 2005, the total area of 12480 square meters, covers an area of 7299 square meters,. Chongyi church can accommodate 5500 people at the same time. It is by far the world's largest Chinese church, as known as China's first Mega-church. Investment of 42 million yuan, the new church funds are all from believers.

On January 18, CCC of Hangzhou Christian states that Rev Gu Yuese( Joseph) will no longer serve as a the senior pastor in Christian association of Zhejiang province, replaced by Rev.Zhang Zhongcheng, the vice chairman. The announcement states this Personnel changes is decided according to the requirements of the provincial and municipal departments. 10 days later on Jan 29th, Rev. Gu was under investigation for suspicion of embezzling funds . The investigation awaits more details. 

Translated By: Zhao Yi

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