Hubei Tuanfeng Christians Holds Dedication of Gospel Church

1/2Dedication(Photo: Hubei CCC&TSPM)
P. Gu
2/2P. Gu(Photo: Hubei CCC&TSPM)
By Deng JiaxinOctober 31st, 2015

Tuanfeng County is located in the municipal districts of Huanggang, Hubei. The gospel was preached to the county in 1906, but has since become desolate. In 2013, under the coordination and efforts of Hubei CCC&TSPM, some seminary students came to Huanggang, Hubei to build a church. Now the church has been completed. On Oct. 24, 2015, the Christian Gospel Church of Tuanfeng County held a dedication ceremony where  about 700 Christians from the church and other churches witnessed the great moment.

According to the official website of Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau of Huanggang (ERAB of Huanggang), Tuanfeng Christianity has four house estates with 2,277 square meters of construction area, however, due to historical reasons, the government entrusted the estates to related departments for use and management. On Sept. 24, 2013, the government of Tuanfeng held a coordination meeting and concluded that the previous estates were to be returned to the church, which solved the church estate issue after year’s of delay.

During the dedication, one of the church’s teachers,  Teacher Zhang, shared about some of the church’s difficulties and God's grace through the church construction. He thanked Pastor Zhu Zhiguo, the president of Hubei CCC, who took several local field investigations, coordinated with the related departments for the gospel ministry of Tuanfeng, and finally helped to finish the construction of the church. He also thanked God's guidance, the support from the government's departments, the brothers and sisters' prayers and donations and blessed the Tuanfeng Church to be a beautiful testimony for the Lord.

Peng Shixiong, Director General of ERAB of Huanggang, and Zhu Jinxi, Director General of ERAB of Tuanfeng, attended the ceremony and gave speeches. Leaders such as Xiao Jianjun, Deputy Director of the Committee of People's Congress of Tuanfeng, were also in attendance.

Ptr. Joseph Gu, the president of Zhejiang CCC, was also invited to the dedication. He was the one who gave the sermon during the thanksgiving service. Gu encouraged the audience to listen to God's Word, to work for the Lord to the utmost, to pursuit God's presence and to glorify the Lord's name, citing the verses of Haggai. The dedication ended with Gu's prayer of blessings.

After the dedication, the church held a Praise & Worship service in the afternoon. Brothers and sisters from local churches celebrated the good news in the programs of poetry recitation, dances, talks aboutthe cross, and comedy sketches.

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