Hangzhou Conducts Training Course for Asian Games Volunteers From Religious Communities

A training course for 2023 Asian Games volunteers from religious communities was held at Gulou Church in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, on July 1, 2023.
A training course for 2023 Asian Games volunteers from religious communities was held at Gulou Church in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, on July 1, 2023. (photo: Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs)
By John ZhangJuly 6th, 2023

The Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs in Zhejiang conducted a training course for 2023 Asian Games volunteers from religious communities in the city.

In Gulou Church on July 1, the training session was attended by more than 150 participants, including representatives from religious groups in the city, staff members of the Hangzhou YMCA and YWCA, leaders from key religious activity venues in the urban area, and volunteers, aiming to do well in the reception and service for the Hangzhou Asian (Para) Games, reported the bureau.

During the training, Chen Limei, an associate professor of flight attendant at the School of Art of Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College, gave a lecture on foreign affairs reception etiquette. Chen combined theoretical explanations, on-site demonstrations, and case discussions to elaborate on the etiquette norms for volunteers in terms of appearance, expression, language, and actions during receptions, highlighting the importance of etiquette in reception work.

Tao Sheng, deputy director of the bureau, explained China's religious policies and regulations, an overview of world religions, common knowledge about religions, etiquette taboos, emergency situations, and response methods. He also made specific requirements for relevant religious groups and venues to further enhance service and support for the Asian Games.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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