Saturday, June 1st, 2024
Article by:Kristina Ran

7 Tips for Protecting Believers From Shinchonji Cult

The invasion of cults and heresies is like a contagious virus that tests the whole immune system of a church. Here are seven tips for the church to protect its flock from being swayed based on a personal encounter with a Shinchonji cult.

A Christian Culture Tour in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Visiting the places where our spiritual ancestors in Christ lived and listening to the stories of the missionaries was meant to show our gratitude to God for bringing the gospel to us and, in the hope of following in the footsteps of those who loved the Lord, to use our own lives and respective situations to spread the gospel to all those who need it through various ministries.

Case Study: Focus on Pastoring the Elderly in 'Aging' Church

The theme study on "How to Age Gracefully" offered by the church is specifically for elderly volunteers aged 70 and above who still have the energy to serve. It aims to break them out of traditional lifestyle patterns and lead them to live a healthy, quality life centered around God's service.
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