Indonesian Pastor Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo: ‘Harvest Now’ Because the Third Pentecost Is Upon Us

Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, founder and president of Gereja Bethel International churches, spoke in the opening session of the Everyone Asia 2024 conference conducted on July 3, 2024, Sentul, Indonesia.
Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, founder and president of Gereja Bethel International churches, spoke in the opening session of the Everyone Asia 2024 conference conducted on July 3, 2024, Sentul, Indonesia. (photo: Empowered21)
By Anthony LeeJuly 17th, 2024

Indonesian megachurch pastor Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo encouraged Christians to rise up and reap the harvest of souls now because “the third Pentecost is upon us.”

In the opening session of the Everyone Asia 2024 conference conducted on July 3, Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, founder and president of Gereja Bethel International churches, which has 1,200 satellite branches and 8,200 cell groups, stated that the goal of every believer is to fulfill the Great Commission, and now is the harvest time.

Based on Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8, he recalled Jesus’ command to his disciples before his ascension: go and make disciples of all nations. According to Matthew 24:14, “The end will come until the gospel is preached in the whole world.”

Then the first Pentecost came when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and used by God. Dr. Njotorahardjo said that it was awesome because “70% of the world which was under the Roman Empire became Christians,” but “the Great Commission was not fulfilled.”

He continued to say that the second Pentecost came in the year 1906 to Azusa Street, which “gave way to the Charismatic Movement we know today.” However, “the Great Commission was not fulfilled.”

Dr. Njotorahardjo stated he received a revelation from God in 2013 that there would be “the third Pentecost” that would exceed Azusa Street. “It will be called the greatest and largest harvest before the Lord returns.”

“Harvest now,” he exclaimed.

In his eyes, the third Pentecost was born in Asia and will move from the East to the United States and from the U.S. to other parts of the world and returned to Jerusalem. A young generation will rise up, who “love Jesus Christ, not compromise with sin, and win many souls for Christ.”

He envisions that in 2033, “every person will be given the opportunity to have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.”

“We must spend time in praise, worship, and unity, day and night,” he emphasized.

“Rise up and be light,” he continued with a similar message in the closing session conducted on July 5. “This means, we must continuously be a light.”

According to Leviticus 6:12-13, “We are the altar of God, and the fire within us cannot die.”

He said, “We must continuously be filled with the Holy Spirit because we cannot fulfill the Great Commission without being empowered by the Holy Spirit.”

The first sign of being fulfilled with the Spirit in the early church was speaking in tongues alongside signs and wonders. “Also, their lifestyles were transformed.”

“They loved to read the Scripture, they loved to pray, and they lived in unity. They loved to give, and they praised God.” He said, “It was said that they were loved by many. With each day, their numbers grew.”

“We must not let the fire of love toward God die,” Dr. Njotorahardjo added.

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