288 Converted at Christmas Evangelical Gathering

The choirs present hymns in the Christmas Eve worship
1/3The choirs present hymns in the Christmas Eve worship (Photo: Chongwenmen Church)
The Choir of Chongwenmen Church present hymns
2/3The Choir of Chongwenmen Church present hymns(Photo: Chongwenmen Church of Beijing)
Church staff collect New Convert's info.
3/3Church staff collect New Convert's info.(Photo: Chongwenmen Church of Beijing)
By Cindy ZhangDecember 28th, 2016

Chongwenmen Church hosted three candlelight worship services on Christmas Eve with going live online. More than 2,000 people are reached online. Netizens said that it was wonderful to be able to watch the Christmas Eve service online.

At the Christmas Evangelical gathering on the evening of the 25th, 288 newcomers converted to Christianity and filled out the New Believer Registration Form. According to the church, the counselors of the catechism class would contact them and help them to know the faith and Jesus Christ.

From 7 pm to the morning of the New Year on Dec 31,  the church will host the New Year Praise and Pray gathering.

Translated by: Grace Hubl

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