Sacred Art and Visual Splendour Showing Christianity in Asia

Christianity in Aisa
1/2Christianity in Aisa(Photo: ACM)
Christianity in Asia: Sacred Art and Visual Splendour
2/2Christianity in Asia: Sacred Art and Visual Splendour(Photo: ACM)
By Grace ZhiJune 3rd, 2016

Art pieces showcasing Asian Christian artwork from the 13th to the 20th century is currently on exhibition in the Singapore Asian Civilizations Museum(ACM) starting May 27th. At least 150 works of art are on display from the collections of 20 art institution throughout Europe and Asia. One of the centerpieces in the exhibit is the only remaining portrait of Italian missionary Matteo Ricci. 

According to exhibition curator Wen JunYu in his interview with Xinhua, “People tend to think that Christian art is European art, but the exhibition’s artworks are composed by Asian artists. Some of them may not even be Christians.” 

Singapore’s Christianity population has grown significantly throughout the years as the ratio increased from 14.6% in 2000 to 18.3% in 2010. 

The Asian Civilizations Museum introduces Singapore’s multivariate historical development and the multi-racial integration of cultural relics collected in the country. The Museum’s goal is “Our ancestors, not only bring them tangible possessions here, but also with their original beliefs, values, and customs.” 

In China, Chinese Christian art exhibitions have been held in the country in order to introduce Christian culture and art, as well as how Chinese Christians develop. 

The exhibition in the Singapore Asian Civilizations Museum would close on September 11. 

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