Pastor Couple Reflects on Decade of Ministry: 'Once You Set Goal, You Must Persevere'

A cross.
A cross.
By Grace YuanAugust 28th, 2024

"Ten years to grow a tree, a hundred years to cultivate a person." It takes ten years for a tree to grow, but how long does it take to establish a church rooted in a community? Pastor Xie and his wife have spent ten years doing just that.

Back in 2013, upon hearing about the spiritual desolation in County A, Pastor Xie felt a deep burden for the area. His wife, who initially stayed in their hometown to care for their elderly parents, resolutely brought their two children to join him in County A. When they first arrived in March 2013, the church had very few believers, and often, it was just the couple and one other believer at services. As the only church in the urban area of County A, it has faced many challenges over the past ten years, including conflicts and financial difficulties, yet it has never faltered. Instead, it has emerged stronger, providing a spiritual haven for the local community.

The First Stage: Upholding Truth Amidst Conflict

When Pastor Xie first arrived in County A, believers gathered on a street in a small storefront, which was divided into three rooms. During the summer, without air conditioning, the sweltering heat would reach 40 degrees Celsius. The pastor's family squeezed into one of the rooms, where it was so stifling that they would apply toothpaste to their bodies to feel the slight cooling effect of evaporation, barely managing to sleep for an hour or two.

County A has a strong Catholic presence, and in the early days, many Catholics joined the church, leading to frequent conflicts during services due to differing beliefs. Pastor Xie patiently engaged in conversations and firmly proclaimed biblical teachings with prayers. Three years later, much of Pastor Xie's hair had fallen out, and those who disagreed with the church's teachings had left. He recalls that leading a church with love alone is challenging: "The church must be built on truth; we cannot lower our standards to appease people."

Some church members got involved in direct selling. Initially, Pastor Xie did not pay much attention, but when seven or eight people were drawn into it, he began to sternly warn these believers repeatedly. Several times, it seemed that conflicts were about to erupt, but his wife worked behind the scenes to mediate. After six months, the members recognized the manipulative tactics involved and admitted their mistakes, expressing their willingness to submit to the church's teachings.

Gradually, the church entered a period of stable growth.

God's Provision Supports Church Growth and Expansion

By 2015, as the number of church members increased, the already small space became even more cramped. Xie decided to find a new meeting place and led Christians in prayer for money. The next day, a sister from a church in the city donated 10,000 yuan to their church.

However, they still needed to cover a year's rent. A couple decided to donate 20,000 yuan, even though the wife was not yet a believer. They made this donation because Xie had previously helped them resolve conflicts in their family.

With the rent covered, they still lacked funds for equipment. Suddenly, a distant friend of one sister in Christ reached out, offering to help with the purchase of equipment. Thus, the new worship venue was ready.

During times of scarcity, God moved several believers from Shenzhen to provide tuition for the children. This year, Pastor Xie's daughter is in her final year of university and plans to pursue theological studies after graduation.

Looking Ahead: The Dream of Rooting and Building a Church

During the pandemic, the church had to relocate again due to the inconvenience of gathering. The previous church was housed in a two-story small building.

Currently, the church holds prayer and sharing meetings every Wednesday, where members discuss the Sunday sermon and pray together. On Fridays, they focus on Bible study, covering topics such as theology, biblical introductions, practical theology, Christian ethics, and verse-by-verse Bible study.

Looking to the future, Pastor Xie hopes to connect more with the younger generation. "We need to watch movies together," he says.

"Evangelism has always been our passion; we can't just sit around and do nothing. When the lives of believers are transformed, the good news will naturally spread." As for the immediate tasks, Pastor Xie says the church has developed a management system over the years, and they plan to document it. The church will also focus more on outreach, especially in welcoming newcomers on Sundays. Xie adds, "We are also full of hope, dreaming of one day building a church."

"Once you set a goal, you must stay focused and persevere," says Pastor Xie, offering encouragement to his fellow workers and reaffirming his commitment to God.

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