9 Pastors Ordained in 2 Guangdong Churches

An ordination ceremony for three male staff workers was held at the Wuqiao Church in Shantou City, Guangdong Province, on November 3, 2023.
1/2An ordination ceremony for three male staff workers was held at the Wuqiao Church in Shantou City, Guangdong Province, on November 3, 2023.(Photo: Guangdong CC&TSPM)
The pastorate put their hands on a male staff member during an ordination service held in Dongshan Church in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, on November 4, 2023.
2/2The pastorate put their hands on a male staff member during an ordination service held in Dongshan Church in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, on November 4, 2023. (Photo: Guangdong CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseNovember 7th, 2023

In order to meet the need for pastoring and management in grassroots churches, two churches in Guangdong Province, southeast China, held ordination ceremonies.

Three male staff workers were ordained as pastors at the Wuqiao Church in Shantou City on November 3, said Guangdong CC&TSPM.

Rev. Zhan Hailie, chairman of Shantou TSPM, preached a sermon titled “Be a Worker Who Does Not Need to be Ashamed,” exhorting the newly ordained to be good and faithful servants with dedicated minds and workers of God who have no reason to be ashamed.

On the next day, another ordination ceremony for six church staff, including two female workers, took place at Dongshan Church in Jieyang City.

Rev. Lin Enling, secretary general of Guangdong TSPM and general secretary of Guangdong Christian Council (CC), delivered a themed sermon, “Be a Good Sheperd at the Will of God,” with the encouragement for the soon-to-be ordained candidates to be good pastors for the Lord and have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. They were also exhorted to guide believers to be patriotic and faithful and live a life glorifying God and benefiting society.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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