7 Pastors, 2 Elders Appointed in Shenzhen

Shenzhen Municipal CC&TSPM held an ordination ceremony for nine clergymen in Langkou Church in Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, on October 28, 2023.
Shenzhen Municipal CC&TSPM held an ordination ceremony for nine clergymen in Langkou Church in Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, on October 28, 2023. (photo: Shenzhen Municipal CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseNovember 2nd, 2023

An ordination ceremony for nine clergymen was hosted in Shenzhen City, with six staff workers ordained as pastors, two as elders, and one promoted from curate to pastor.

Shenzhen Municipal CC&TSPM held this ceremony in Langkou Church in Longhua District on October 28, said the organizer.

During the ceremony, Rev. Ye Jiangtao, vice president of Shenzhen Christian Council (CC), read John 21:15–23. Based on these verses, Rev. Fan Hong’en, chairman of Guangdong TSPM, delivered a sermon themed “Follow Me if You Love Me,” exhorting the nine to-be-ordained to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus and guide believers to be patriotic and faithful, as well as live a life glorifying God and benefiting society.

Rev. Ye Dongsheng, vice chairman and secretary general of Shenzhen TSPM, introduced the nine clergymen to the attendees. Rev. Cai Bosheng, president and chairman of Shenzhen CC&TSPM, hosted the laying-on of hands ceremony and presented stoles and bibles to them.

Rev. Guo Yun, president of Guangdong Provincial CC, encouraged the newly ordained to follow the example of Christ and build godly character and faith to nurture believers and manage churches.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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