55 Seekers Baptized in Jiangsu

New believers posed for a group photo with flowers in hands at Dushu Lake Church on August 6, 2023.
New believers posed for a group photo with flowers in hands at Dushu Lake Church on August 6, 2023. (photo: Dushu Lake Church)
By Mark Cui August 11th, 2023

A megchurch in Jiangsu held a baptism service and communion service.

Senior Pastor He Jiemiao performed a baptism service on August 6th at Dushu Lake Church in Suzhou, according to the church. Rev. Piao Zhiming shared a sermon titled “Sanctified Wholly by the Lord” to make the congregation understand the importance of sanctification in the life of a Christian.

After the sermon, Rev. He baptized 55 inquirers and then the bread and cup were distributed.

- Translated by Cassie Li

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