Addressing Decline by Emphasizing Prayer Within Church, Intercessor Says

A pair of praying hands on the Bible
A pair of praying hands on the Bible (photo:
By Sophia LiuAugust 10th, 2023

Amidst the pandemic, the attrition of church believers has reached a considerable magnitude, leaving only a limited number of congregations that exhibit growth.

In recent times, a pastor identified as Enming (pseudonym) from East China shared insights with the Christian Times, an online Chinese Christian newspaper. During these challenging periods, he underscored that the path ahead for the church involves a focus on prayer, particularly through entering the inner sanctum of prayer.

Responding to inquiries from devout individuals regarding their perceived absence of the Holy Spirit's power, Rev. Enming expounded that this predicament transcends individual circumstances, encapsulating an issue of the current era. The contemporary church finds itself on a downward trajectory due to the scarcity of the Holy Spirit's presence. Conversely, three or four decades prior, the Holy Spirit's work was abundant.

He postulated that the revitalization of the church hinges upon two fundamental factors: truth and prayer. While he didn't dissent from imbibing wisdom from scripture and grasping doctrinal truths, he emphasized that the acquisition of knowledge through scriptural study might inadvertently breed conceit, rather than ensuring spiritual advancement. Conversely, prayer possesses the transformative capacity to evolve an individual. As personal transformation unfolds, one's spiritual journey matures, aligning with the likeness of Jesus Christ, Enming expounded.

Placing profound significance on prayer, he asserted that a church immersed in extensive prayer would witness flourishing ministry. Conversely, a church that neglects prayer, despite apparent ministerial success, is inevitably destined for decline.

Furthermore, he expounded on the "Four Sensations of Prayer," offering a framework for self-assessment in one's prayer journey:

Initially, he highlighted that as a person commenced praying, feelings of guilt or obstruction, owing to one's transgressions, might surface. Upon confession, such accusations were nullified, paving the way for solace, serenity, and harmony with the divine will.

Certain individuals might experience physical sensations like warmth, perspiration, and spiritual ardor, enabling them to transcend their former selves and submit to God's will. In the end, prayer might turn into a solemn duty that comes with a realization of crucial obligations.

Enming proceeded to elucidate the process of engaging in inner room prayer:

Foremost, he emphasized that through the efficacy of Jesus' blood, absolution was granted, and a reinstated communion with God was established.

Following the experience of redemption, individuals ought to harbor faith in God's mercy, nurturing, and empathy, seeking the divine with a candid heart.

By delving into the scriptures and attaining tranquility of thought, individuals can discern their alignment with God's will.

Drawing upon the Holy Spirit's guidance and employing hymns, the gateway to inner sanctum prayer was traversed, Enming continued.

In conclusion, individuals should confess that "we belong to the Lord", despite prior transgressions in the eyes of God.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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