Jiangxi Bible School Holds Birthday Celebration Event

A group of Jiangxi Bible School sang a hymn during a birthday celebration event held at the school on April 18, 2023.
A group of Jiangxi Bible School sang a hymn during a birthday celebration event held at the school on April 18, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By Mark Cui April 27th, 2023

Jiangxi Bible School celebrated the birthday of students and staff workers.

On April 18th, before World Reading Day which falls on April 23 each year, several groups participated in the classics reading activity, according to CCC&TSPM.

Following the hymn “What a Grace”, an opening prayer was offered by Rev. Li Yungen, chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee(TSPM) and president of the school.

During the celebration, seven classical reading groups presented programs, including recitations of poems such as “Will Enter Wine” by Libai, one of China's most celebrated poets, “The Lord is My Shepherd” from Psalm 23, and “Together in the Boat”, which were recited in local Jiangxi dialects.

Finally, Rev. Yao Dafang, vice chairman and secretary-general of Jiangxi Provincial TSPM, gave a thanksgiving prayer for the occasion, and invited all the staff members and students who had their birthdays in the first half of the school to join together in the singing of the “Happy Birthday Song”.

- Translated by Monica Zhang

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