After one-decade construction, Panshi Church of Daqing, Heilongjiang Province, the allegedly largest Chinese church, eventually is dedicated on November 3, 2016. More than 100 pastors and 3000 believers across China attend the dedication ceremony.
Panshi (Rock) Church of Daqing (credit: CCD)
The grand ceremony consists of four parts starting with the ritual of door-opening and the dedication service. Following the service, sixty-six programs including choruses and dances are performed to give thanks to God. A biblical play called "The Passion of Jesus" is showed in the last part, the thanksgiving sacrifice that ends the whole ceremony. The whole procedure last seven and a half hours without a break.
Costing around 20 million dollars,the megachurch covers 55,000 m2 with a construction area of 30,000 m2. It stands at 95 m high, 52.6m wide and 93m long, owing a building that will specifically hold wedding and funerals, at a rating of exceeding five stars.
Translated By: Karen Luo.