Touching Stories of Two Millennial Christians

A man sits near a tree.
A man sits near a tree.
By Wang Hanfei July 23rd, 2021

I am by no means alone in our youth fellowship as I am surrounded by the power of role models that touches me. They have a godly quality, a Christian heart, and a vision of faith. Like a pine forest in winter, the spirit of our fellowship is always erect and green in its chill.

In the youth fellowship, there are some young people born in the 1980s and 1990s. In the beginning, my impression of these young people was “pompous and not stable enough, lax and not rigorous, proud and not patient”. But in my second month with them, I began to change my mind. What I see in them is the persistence of young people, and the faith and perseverance of young Christians.

A sister, born in the 1980s, is a good wife and a loving mother. In the church, she serves as the leader of the reception service team. In every reception, she always serves with a smile. Even in times of trouble and disappointment, she never frowns at the believers and friends who come to church. As she said, “A smile can win credibility for the church, bring warmth for everyone, and help me grow. I’d like to express my faith in this little church service. Because I see everyone whom I serve as Jesus, I serve Jesus when I serve others, and I serve God when I serve the church."

A young brother of the church accounting group is a careless boy born in the 1990s. At first, the pastor was very worried about whether he would be able to take on the important role of “church treasurer”. However, after a period of investigation and practice, the performance of this brother won praise from all of us, and to us, it feels like he can handle very well the burden of accounting.

One day, at 8 o’clock in the evening, this brother was counting the content of the special donation box (each donation in the box was accounted for by the accountant, one by one, and the invoices were issued. The donation would be used for the renovation and repair of the church). However, after repeated counting, there was 200 yuan more than the recorded number. This brother said to himself, “It must be that some believer gave 200 yuan more than his recorded donation, so we must make a thorough investigation.” So, he took the initiative to find the church surveillance video data, and carefully looked at it. As a matter of fact, he was very tired after a whole day’s work, and his eyes were already red. Still, he kept staring at the monitor to see what was going on. After more than an hour of investigation, he finally found the problem - an old brother dedicated 1200 yuan, but our accounting personnel recorded 1000 yuan instead of 1200 yuan. He immediately entered the operating system and quickly reissued the receipt invoice for the old brother. Then he himself delivered it to this brother’s house.

- Translated by Nicolas Cao

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